10 Ways to Improve Your WordPress Blog

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When you need to maintain a blog involving any subject, you should know the only techniques that can match the usefulness and power of WordPress. WordPress can be an excellent content management system and a perfect time investment if you put the right effort into your blog to make it efficient and productive.

When you have the right motivation and full commitment to your blog, you may end up quitting your day job. The main reason is that the money you earn through an excellent blog may surpass your work salary. However, you will need to be determined to your blogging ideas and know various ways of improving your blog.

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your WordPress Blog

Below, I have summarized ten tips you can use to improve your WordPress blog’s productivity and quality.

Write lengthy Quality Content

Blog posts that are over 1,000 words long get more attention than those with around 300 words. Not only is the word length significant, but quality content will establish whether readers will find it useful. Unless your goal is pure entertainment, blog posts written with real lengthy information to readers have significant traffic and improve your website visibility. Search engines also like long content to index the pages.

Most visitors feel informed when they read through interesting, long posts on any particular page. If you develop informative posts for your visitors, they may link your pages to others if they enjoy reading them.

If you create an external link back to your blog, it is a new way of advertising your posts, and it may increase your visitors’ traffic. Adding frequent posts is equally significant in ranking higher in search engine results. Most bloggers find that posting two to three posts daily on their blogs can significantly impact their popularity.

Insert Social Media plugins

Social Media plugins for website bloggingIf you wish to make your WordPress blog compelling, installing social media plugins is a useful resource.

Social media is an excellent tool for reaching many people apart from search engines. Every time you create a post, it can automatically be linked to your Twitter, Pinterest, or Facebook account. Readers who find your post useful could respond by sharing your blog post with their friends, increasing your online exposure.

Simplicity Improves WordPress Blogging

Frequently, bloggers will fill up their websites with lots of graphics, advertisements, affiliate banners, etc. Their primary intention is to earn more from their websites. Some are stuffed with such distractions that finding or reading the content is not easy. However, if your content is well-developed, you will not take long before making some money when you use these approaches the right way.

Visitors need to find vital information that you share to return to your site regularly. Every visitor that comes back to your site increases the chances of making money for your WordPress blog. Many distractions from a busy site with images, banners, and likes can decrease your content’s significance. Later on, your visitors could realize your blog is not well-managed and abandon your blog.

Provide Blog Carnivals for your WordPress Blog

Blog CarnivalBlog carnivals hosted by website owners are open for other bloggers to create posts for their particular site to generate links back to their own.

Although the use of backlinking for optimization purposes is becoming less popular, they can still increase traffic from readers who visit the carnival and prefer your writing style. These carnivals are related to a particular niche for most people, and your website content will have to match. Getting carnivals associated with a specific niche is easy and involves a simple search online.

Use AdSense for your WordPress Blog

Google rewards website owners with a chance to earn money when they provide quality content. By installing relevant AdSense plugins for your WordPress blog, you can display the sites advertised by Google. If one of your visitors clicks any of these links, Google pays you a small commission. The paid commission can be as little as 10 cents per click, up to several dollars. There is no particular way to know the earnings from a link, since it depends on the Google Ads advertising bids set up with Google by the respective websites.

Additionally, for the best use of AdSense, ensure that its single-use on your blog is enough for your objectives. The mistake most bloggers make is believing that placing AdSense bars in different locations on their site will increase the chances of earning more money. However, this action only messes with their site, making it difficult for visitors to find the content. Also, most visitors get distracted by many AdSense banners, which send them away from a site.

Incorporate Newsletters on Your Blog

Newsletter for your WordPress blogCreate an easy-to-maintain newsletter that your readers can subscribe to regularly. Many WordPress plugins are available to create automatic newsletters regarding your recent posts on specified days of the week or any time you set.

Even though the automatic feature can organize your newsletters, you can still decide to provide your readers with content in the newsletter you don’t use on your website. You can convince your visitors with reasons to subscribe to your newsletters to promote your content too. For instance, you may give free e-books freebie, gifts, etc., as a way to increase chances for visitors’ subscriptions.

Use Affiliate Marketing

Many bloggers place banners or click-able links known as Affiliate marketingaffiliated links within their posts to advertise goods and services for other companies. If a visitor clicks on these banners and links, they are redirected to the advertiser’s website. If the visitor purchases the goods, the blog owner is paid a calculated amount depending on the sale.

Most bloggers have found success using affiliate links in the past. However, as a good practice on your blog, ensure you use minimal banners. A single affiliate link on each post is more than enough. Also, ensure you use relevant banners related to your content. For instance, if a blog post is about mountain climbing, then putting a banner for memory cards may not seem sensible at all. Make sure you relate a link or the affiliate banner to your WordPress blog’s relevant content.

Use Keywords on Your WordPress Blog

Keywords for your WordPress blogLong ago, putting lots of keywords in website articles increased its ranking in search engines. However, many search engines realized and stopped this poor habit, since this process led to spamming sites ranking higher than those having quality content.

However, it does not imply that keywords are insignificant for the content used in your website. Therefore, appropriately used keywords affect your blog’s ranking within the search engines.

When you create blog content, you will have to monitor your WordPress blog’s keyword density count. Even though search engine algorithms may consider your website stuffed with keywords if you use many of them, a lowly ranked site could also result if they are few.

Use Google Analytics to Make Your WordPress Blog Better

Google Analytics for your WordPress blogGoogle Analytics has excellent capabilities for producing excellent written content. Analytics provides information about the keyword phrases used to find your website and posts that are the most popular online. Analytics also gives demographics that narrow down a particular content to target a specific audience.

Google Analytics is free to use, and it only requires you to sign in with a Google webmaster account. Moreover, WordPress has many analytics plugins to install, and they can easily insert tracking codes into your website.

Include excellent Themes in Your WordPress Blog

Your theme can contribute a significant role in how excellently an average visitor accepts your blog. If your visitors find your fonts, Themes on your WordPress blogscheme colors, or even the spacing of your content unattractive, your blog will have problems.

Buy or develop a WordPress blog theme that matches your preferred niche excellently. Doing so can help visitors attribute color and imagery to your content, and your blog will appear more professional.

When your visitors find your blog attractive, they will most likely revisit it and share the post with others. Always aim to impress most of your readers so that you may have a successful blog.

To conclude, your blog niche may have great information over the Internet, but it may not be successful if no one searches for your information. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that you should give up on your blog. Remember that if your niche is less popular, you will need more creativity when developing your content.

When you use the above tips well, you may be surprised by how rewarding your WordPress blog website can be.

Do you know of any other tips to improve a WordPress blog? Kindly leave a comment below to provide more tips to readers.

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