WordPress Best blogging Platform

Top 10 Reasons WordPress is the Best Blogging Platform

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The best blogging platform for new bloggers who want to start a new blog or website is to consider using WordPress. Before I give you the reasons why I find WordPress the best choice over other platforms, you need to know additional ways of creating websites.

For instance, you can create a website or a blog from scratch using HTML & CSS code. Secondly, you can use simple website-building services such as Wix, Weebly, and GoDaddy, among others. Thirdly, you can use content management systems such as Joomla, Drupal, or WordPress.

WordPress is the best blogging platform and the most popular choice, though all these options are acceptable depending on your specific needs and expertise. There are many valid reasons why you should choose it over other platforms.

Why WordPress is Popular and the Best Blogging Platform

Approximately 26% of global websites use WordPress platforms. It is better than any other platform and most popular because of few reasons. First, WordPress was created and intended for blogging use. Also, it is the most versatile, stable, and robust online tool developed for blogging.

Not only is it suitable for blogging, but other highly ranked and authority websites use it for their business.

Let me give you other reasons why it is the best blogging platform and what makes it great.

Anybody can Use WordPress Easily

A new blogger can use WordPress naturally and without difficulties. Even if you are not a developer or a programmer, you can still use it. Although some themes may require some technical knowledge, most of the available themes are plug-and-play that needs little configurations. Currently, WorAnybody can use WordPressdPress features theme builders, which are easy to use.

Moreover, You do not need to have CSS or HTML coding experience to customize a theme the way you desire. The main reason is that the design of most WordPress themes and plugins minimizes coding. However, if you have advanced technical expertise, you can accomplish many tweaks and better things to enhance it.

WordPress Has a Remarkable Community Support

WordPress has excellent community support

WordPress has open-source communities and forums with many people willing to write codes and contributions to improve it. Within these communities, there are enough resources to answer any question you might have concerning WordPress. You can merely perform your query search on any search engine, and you will receive thousands of forums with accurate solutions to your problem.

For new bloggers, this can encourage them to continue using it as the best blogging platform. They will also get support from professional bloggers and users.

WordPress is Excellent for Both Blogging and Business Websites

Wordpress the best blogging platformMany global websites such as news, sports, social media, businesses, etc., use WordPress. Even though its establishment was mainly focused on becoming the best blogging platform, it is now a perfect solution for any website.

Whatever business needs or activities you want to do online through a website can provide a platform to achieve anything you want. So far, it is the leading content management system, with millions of sites created every month. Other blogging platforms are now far from reaching WordPress superiority online.

WordPress Improves Your SEO

SEO (Search engine optimization) is essential, especially if you want readers to find your blog in the SERPs. WordPress is excellent for this feature, and various plugins are available to help you optimize your blog. The best SEO plugins you can use for WordPress are All In One SEO Pack and Yoast SEO (the best recommendation), with both having free and paid versions.Wordpress the best blogging platform

The great benefit of using SEO is to increase readers’ chances of finding, reading, and sharing your blog.

The other advantage you will get from an optimized blog is the number of views or traffic it receives from readers.

WordPress is Rich in Features and Highly Customizable

Besides being easy to use, you can customize it fully and include advanced functionalities if you know how to do so. You can also design WordPress to suit your needs and functionality. For instance, you can tweak and add any code functionality you need. If you find technical difficulties doing so, you can hire a developer.

Since WordPress is popular and considered the best blogging platform, it is easy to find somebody capable of customizing and modifying it as you wish.

For instance, its rich features help me create several articles and then schedule them on specific dates I want them to get published. You can schedule your posts too by setting the date and time you like, and WordPress will do the rest for you.

WordPress is the Best Blogging Platform because it is Secure.

WordPress is very secureBeing secure online is a priority for many bloggers. WordPress provides lots of security plugins and services to protect your website. Since cyber threats evolve and become more advanced, reliable protection from malicious code and hackers is essential.

Fortunately, the WordPress community updates its security protocols regularly while releasing new patches very fast. If you keep your WordPress blog, themes and plugins updated, your website will be secure from security issues.

Some hosting services such as HostGator provide high-security services to their customers without bothering how to do it. You can also enjoy the security services by paying a few additional charges to their packages. You can then proceed to create and publish blog posts knowing your site is secure from attacks.

WordPress is Free, so its the Best Blogging Platform

WordPress is available for free, which is a great reason to use it. It is also open-source, so you can download and use it commercially without any charges. The only costs you will pay include the domain you choose and whatever hosting company you decide to use.Wordpress is free

There are also multiple free plugins and themes to boost your blog’s functionality and others available for purchase. The saleable ones provide excellent options that give your blog or website premium features for professional customization.

WordPress Supports All Types of Media

Creating a post or a page in WordPress is an easy task, just like using your favorite design software or word processor. Its user-friendly editor is excellent for embedding and uploading videos, images, or any media with only a few clicks.

WordPress is Mobile-Friendly Making it the Best blogging Platform

Wordpress the best blogging platform

WordPress is a mobile-friendly platform that you can manage even with your phone. When you set up your WordPress blog, you can access the back-end using your mobile to use, write posts and manage it through the WordPress mobile app.

Likewise, on the front end, WordPress is also very mobile-friendly. However, this will depend on the type of theme you have installed on your site.

Fortunately, modern themes feature responsive site design. Always ensure you check if the theme you want to use has a responsive design. Responsive design means your blog or website is accessible and looks great on any device such as phones and tablets.

Additionally, since many people use their phones these days to access a website or do their business online, creating a mobile-friendly site is essential. Companies often lose many customers if they can’t access and read their website content well using their phones.

If you want to retain customers to your business, create a website that has a responsive design. You will get more leads to your customers since your content is shared using your mobile apart from a computer.

You can use WordPress E-commerce

Wordpress the best blogging platform

I have already mentioned above that WordPress websites can work on virtually all platforms. But let me not forget to emphasize the full capability it has on eCommerce. Since I want you to find success in blogging, WordPress works well to achieve this need.  My primary concern is to help you make money online.

Read this post for tips on how you can use blogging to help you make money online.

For instance, eCommerce websites consist of subscription or membership models, products to sell, and payment portals. Introducing a simple plugin such as Woo Commerce, which does not require coding skills, can quickly make your WordPress blog become a money-making machine.


By now, you know that WordPress is the most popular and best blogging platform. Well, start creating your blog or business website with this excellent choice to help you find success as a blogger or online businessperson immediately. Millions of people appreciate WordPress, and it has everything you want to build your online presence profitably.

What would you like to add to this list? In your opinion, what other reasons make you consider WordPress the best blogging platform? Kindly feel free to leave a comment below to enlighten others with your great tips.

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